Frequently Asked Questions

Is my donation tax-deductible ?

Yes, donations are tax-deductible in the United States. The program has partnered with ANMF Inc. a registered 501(c)(3) in the USA.

How much of my donation does a recipient child receive ?

The founding team has committed to deliver 100% of every donated dollar to its recipient.

How do I know recipients will spend cash appropriately ?

The research is clear: households living in poverty are some of the most effective spenders around. Despite the stereotypes, recipients of cash do not systematically waste or misuse it. Common concerns that people will spend money on vices have been consistently disproven (Evans and Popova, 2016).

How do you decide who receives money ?

Our top priority right now is moving quickly to get cash to vulnerable families. We target families of fallen soldiers across Armenia , where we expect the effect of loosing a bread winner to hit hardest. To find recipients we conduct our own research and due diligence visits to identify vilnerable families.

Can I decide to whom to give ?

No; you cannot choose an individual recipient. In order to ensure fairness and equity in our processes, we only select recipients using our eligibility process detailed above. We also provide information on the beneficiaries to donors.

How to Help ?

Word of mouth is one of the most common ways people hear about the New Bird’s Nest Project. We found that the best way to have an impact today is by raising needed funds today

  • Donate yourself

  • Create a fundraiser by raising funds around your birthday, wedding, marathon or other ideas

  • Start a company match drive

  • Share our news articles or blog to expose our noble cause to new donors

What will happen to these children after 1 year?

We have decided to pilot an unconditional cash transfer program for 12 months to children affected by the 2020 war in Armenia. We believe cash will be most effective in creating positive impacts in the lives of these children as compared to in-kind aid in the first 12 months. After our program ends, we believe that various veteran benefit programs in Armenia will be able to fill the gap.

How do recipients use the cash transfers?

By design, cash transfers let recipients use money for whatever is most important to them including food, medical and education expenses, durables, home improvement, and social events.